ML benefits

ML and AI: Benefits

The first question that comes to mind whenever starting to learn something new is "Why?". It is no different for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Why should you learn ML and AI? What are the benefits of learning ML and AI ? Is there any use to learning ML and AI? What do ML and AI offer that make them so special? Here I will try to answer these questions regarding the benefits of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Feel free to skip to the summary at the end if you need direct points.

So, why should you learn ML and AI? Is it simply because they are popular and everybody's doing them, so you should also do them?


 So, what is the reason?


ML benefits
ML is a subset of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the whole point is that you are trying to give computers human-like intelligence. Why do you want to do this? One reason could be curiosity and another is reducing human effort. Just think about it. If computers could automatically do what you have to do, it would reduce a lot of human effort, pain and labour. If it saves labour, it will also save you money because of automation. Additionally, computers are more efficient than humans and less prone to error. They also are much faster than human beings (obviously!). Plus, they don't require food breaks or sleep or work-life balance (hahaha!). So, these are the benefits of ML and AI.

Summary: Benefits of ML and AI

  • Saves Human effort, pain and labour
  • Cost-effective, saves your money through automation
  • Having machines do stuff is more efficient than having humans do it.
  • Machines are more reliable and human error can be avoided
  • Machines are faster. So, you get more work done.
  • Machines work 24/7. Humans cannot.

Having mentioned these benefits and advantages, there are dangers to ML and AI as well. It is important that we use these technologies carefully and not make them into weapons of mass destruction. But this would be a talk of another time. Till then, Bye. 
Hope, you understood the benefits of machine learning and artificial intelligence through this article.

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