What is computer vision?

 Computer Vision is a field of study that deals in providing computers with vision, i.e., the ability to understand and interpret visuals(images and videos). For example, you as a human being can visually see and differentiate between a dog and a cat. With computer vision, you try to give this ability to machines. Computer vision field includes image classification, object detection, segmentation, etc.  

How will computer vision change the way our machines operate?

Computer vision will change the way our machines operate, primarily, by increasing the existing automation capabilities. For example, there are already instances of AI-driven medical applications coming up which not only display the X-ray of a patient but also analyze it to pose a recommended path for treatment (customised to each unique patient), thereby reducing the doctor's workload. Similarly, in case of self-driving autonomous cars, it also shows automation beyond human supervision. Hopefully, things would be for the better and it won't turn out be as in terminator.

Associated Dangers:

 A mistake in computer vision can be dangerous depending on the application. For example, in case of self-driving autonomous cars  where compute vision is used to analyse input from cameras, a mistake could potentially lead to an accident. 

An example Application of Computer Vision and Deep Learning in Agriculture:  Automated Crop Disease Detection

An important part in agriculture involves identifying if some disease has infected a crop and then taking the appropriate call to action which might involve removing the infected plants. Presently, this process is manual and time-consuming. Computer vision and deep learning can be used for automated crop disease detection where a trained model will scan the fields and detect diseased crops automatically, thereby reducing human effort.

Although there is still some time, but the day is not far when computer vision will dominate every sphere of our life. There area already department stores which are completely automated without any human employee at all and these use cutting edge computer vision technology.

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