What exactly is Artificial Intelligence in simple words ? Explain AI in simple terms.

 AI explained in simple language:

Remember, when you were a child and you saw some animal with paws. You did not know what it was and the adults told you it was a dog. Then, you saw some other animal and you called it a "dog" but the adults corrected you as it was a "cat". From then on, you started to differentiate between dogs and cats. This is what we call human intelligence i.e., the ability to learn over time from your environment. 

Now, what if I told you a computer could also do what you did. Just like adults taught you, you could  teach a computer to differentiate between a dog and a cat. Would you call the computer "intelligent"? This is precisely what Artificial Intelligence (in short AI) is. It is giving computers human-like intelligence so that they could do the tasks traditionally reserved for humans.

But why do we need AI? Because they are computers and can perform much more than a human could without getting tired. In fact, you are already using AI in your day-to-day life. Recall, when you open any ecommerce site, it recommends you products based on your history and preferences. That is an AI sytem in action. In technical terms, it is called a recommendation system. Similarly, you are already using AI in almost all spheres these days, even though you might be unaware of it.

Hope now you have some basic idea about what AI is. Next time when you see something happening automatically, think as it could be an AI in action.

Robot playing Chess
Robot Playing Chess

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