ML technical definition : Learning in AI defined
Now that you have dived deep into the waters of machine learning, you might be interested in knowing how to define it. But before you can define machine learning, you need to learn what "learning" is. So, what is "learning" in Machine Learning? Learning in ML and AI How do human beings learn? They improve with their experiences. Right!. This is exactly what learning is. But how would you define it, then? Learning can be defined as the ability to improve with experience. In terms of AI and ML, it means making computer programs and systems which automatically improve with experience like human beings do. Experience can be thought of as "data". In ML, we try to build models which learn from data to perform some task like decision-making, prediction, etc. But this seems like an informal definition of ML. Right! How would you define it formally? Definition of ML The present standard definition of machine learning is given by Tom Mitchell, as follows: A comput...